People watching, Miss Saigon style

Black and white photo of a man outside Prince Edward Theatre, London

I haven’t posted for almost two months. Life, work, exhibiting and selling prints has got in the way of blogging and of me getting out with my camera and photographing the streets of London. And that will never do! So I’ll be back on the streets – in a good way – this coming week and every week after that.

But to start off, here are some photos I took outside the Prince Edward Theatre on Old Compton Street, Soho, where Miss Saigon is currently on.

I like the lighting outside theatres. The downlighting isn’t always flattering to people but it does make for interesting images with lots of contrast – perfect for black and white photography.

And the places where crowds gather are prime people-watching territory – whether it’s someone grabbing a quick bite before going into the theatre…

Man eating a sandwich outside the Prince Edward Theatre, Soho, London


… or a couple standing around waiting

A couple waiting outside the Prince Edward Theatre, Soho, London, the man reading, the woman looking away


I might be hanging around a few more theatres in the next few weeks.

7 thoughts on “People watching, Miss Saigon style

  1. Pingback: People Watching, Miss Saigon Style [Affiliate Post] | Maybe It's Because

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